Date: Friday 11th April, 2025
Time: Games will begin from..
Venue: Vic Uni Community Stadium at Whitten Oval - 4 17 Barkly St, Footscray. (Courts 1, 2 & 3)
Cost per team: $120 - 3 games plus a Semi final & top 2 teams will play a Grand Final
Team registrations can be done via the above link
Each team may have a minimum of 3 players but no more than 4 players.
Age groups & Divisions as follows
Under 13s Div 1, 2 & 3 - Girls & Boys (born from 2018 to 2013)
Under 15s Div 1, 2 & 3 - Girls & Boys (born 2016 to 2011)
Under 17s Div 1, 2 & 3 - Girls & Boys (born 2014 to 2009)
You can wear your own team jerzy & all members of the team must wear the same colour.
Any colour Shorts allowed as long as there are no zips or pockets
Each game will run for 10 mins each (within 15 minute game slots). There'll be a 15 minute gap between games & each team will play each other once.
Everyone will get a semi final game where the 2 winners will play off for the Grand Final.
Games will run on a half court (ie. within & around the 3 point line). Regular violation rules will apply.